3.1 GW of short turbines could be added to the San Gorgonio Pass Wind Resource Area

Publication: Wind Harvest International
Year Published: 2023

Wind Harvest analyzed the San Gorgonio Pass Wind Resource Area using publicly available location information and UL’s Windnavigator. We found that the area could add 3,136 MWs of Wind Harvester type turbines to the existing 682 MWs of propeller-type turbines currently installed. Based on the mid-level wind speeds in the zone, this level of buildout would produce 10,040 GWh of electricity per year. The existing wind farms produce 2,661 GWh of electricity per year.

New Study Shows Groundbreaking Mid-Level Wind Turbines Can Almost Quadruple Wind Energy Output in the San Gorgonio Pass

Publication: The Next Generation
Year Published: 2023

A new study by Wind Harvest, a company that is building a novel type of short, utility-scale turbine, has found that mid-level wind turbines could almost quadruple the energy output in the notoriously windy San Gorgonio Pass Wind Resource Area. These turbines would provide enough energy to power 1 million California homes each year.

Find the complete press release in the resource link above.

Windstar 530G Prototype

Author: Kevin Wolf
Publication: Wind Harvest International
Year Published: 2001

The Windstar 530G was a three turbine array designed to test the coupled vortex effect, a phenomenon first hypothesized by Wind Harvest founder Bob Thomas in the early 1990’s. The array was placed in one of the highly energetic wind farms of San Gorgonio Pass Wind Resource Area in California.