A Numerical Study on a Vertical-Axis Wind Turbine with Inclined Arms

Author: Agostino De Marco, Domenico Coiro, Domenico Cucco, Fabrizio NicolosiPublication: University of NaplesYear Published: 2014 This work focuses on a particular type of vertical-axis wind turbine, in which a number of inclined arms with airfoil-shaped cross-sections are mounted to connect the principal blades to their hub. While the majority of the known studies on vertical-axis…

A comparison of finite element predictions and experimental data for the forced response and the DOE 100kW vertical axis wind turbine

Author: Erik Mollerstrom, Fredric Ottermo, Jonny Hylander, Hans BernhoffPublication: Sandia National LaboratoriesYear Published: 1984 A specialized finite element capability has been developed to predict dynamic structural response of the vertical axis wind turbine (VAWT). This report is concerned with evaluating this finite element analysis technique. This achieve this, several types of experimental data taken from…

Eigen Frequencies of A Vertical Axis Wind Turbine Tower Made of Laminated Wood and the Effect Upon Attaching Guy Wires

Author: Erik Mollerstrom, Fredric Ottermo, Jonny Hylander, Hans BernhoffYear Published: 2014 Eigen frequencies of a vertical axis wind turbine tower made out of laminated wood which are both bolted to the ground and supported by guy wires are studied and compared. Using beam theory, an analytical model taking the guy wires into account for calculating…

Wind Turbine Design: With Emphasis on Darrieus Concept

Author: Ion ParaschivoiuPublication: Polytechnic International PressYear Published: 2002 The depletion of global fossil fuel reserves combined with mounting environmental concerns has served to focus attention on the development of ecologically compatible and renewable alternative sources of energy. Wind energy, with its impressive growth rate of 40% over the last five years, is the fastest growing…

Vertical Axis Wind Turbine Evaluation and Design

Author: Lucas Desadze, Drew Digeser, Christopher Dunn, Dillon ShoikatPublication: Worcester Polytechnic InstituteYear Published: 2013 This project studied the potential for installing roof-mounted vertical axis wind turbine (VAWT) systems on house roofs. The project designed several types of VAWT blades with the goal of maximizing the efficiency of a shrouded turbine. The project also used a…

Vertical Axis Wind Turbine Design Load Cases Investigation and Comparison with Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine

Author: Christos Galinos, Torben Larsen, Helge Madsen, Uwe PaulsenPublication: Energy ProcediaYear Published: 2016 The paper studies the applicability of the IEC 61400-1 ed.3, 2005 International Standard of wind turbine minimum design requirements in the case of an onshore Darrieus VAWT and compares the results of basic Design Load Cases (DLCs) with those of a3-bladed HAWT.…

Effect of some design parameters on the performance of a Giromill vertical axis wind turbine

Author: M. El-Samanoudy, A.A.E Ghorab, Sh.Z. Youssef, Ain ShamsPublication: Ain Jams Engineering JYear Published: 2010 This paper describes the effect of some design parameters on the performance of a Giro-mill vertical axis wind turbine. A Giromill wind turbine has been designed, manufactured and tested. The turbine performance has been investigated with varying the design parameters…

Designing of Vertical Axis Wind Turbines for Low Speed, Low Altitude Regions of Central India

Author: Sonali Mitra, Abhineet Singh, Pragyan Jain, S. V. H. NagendraPublication: Int J Energy Environ EngYear Published: 2014 This work analyses the link between the aspect ratio of a vertical-axis straight-bladed (H-Rotor) wind turbine and its performance (power coefficient). The aspect ratio of this particular wind turbine is defined as the ratio between blade length…

Design, performance and economics of the DAF Indal 50 kW and 375 kW Vertical Axis Wind Turbine

Author: L.A. Schiehbein, David MalcolmYear Published: 1982 A review of the development and performance of the DAF Indal 50 kW vertical axis Darrieus wind turbines shows that a high level of technical development and reliability has been achieved. Features of the drive train, braking and control systems are discussed and performance details are presented.